Breakfast Club
Our popular Breakfast Club reopened on the 7th September 2020. We realise the importance of a good breakfast to start the day and wish to support our families with this extended schools provision.
To maintain the integrity of our phase bubbles, due to Covid-19, there are four separate breakfast clubs:
Bubble 1 – Ladybirds, Honeybees & Dragonflies
Bubble 2 – Hedgehogs and Squirrels
Bubble 3– Otters, Badgers & Foxes
Bubble 4 – Wildcats, Kingfishers & Eagles
Please drop off your child at 7:30am at the back gate accessed via St Lucia Drive. Kindly note:
- Places are to be paid online and booked in advance
- The charge for each session is £2:50
- Children will receive toast, cereals, and a drink
- Children eligible for Free School Meals on our Pupil Premium register can attend for free
- Year 6 are invited for free
After they have eaten their breakfasts, there are different outdoor activities for the children to participate in, weather permitting.
Please contact the school office to secure a place for your child, if you are interested in your child attending Breakfast Club.
After School Clubs
Unfortunately, our After School Nurture Club will not be reopening in September due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To minimise contact between the four phase bubbles, we will be offering each phase bubble a varied range of After School Clubs instead, running from 3:15pm to 4:30pm, Monday to Thursday e.g. football, art, library, computing, karate, music and drama.
There will be a charge of £5.00 payable in advance either weekly or monthly to cover equipment, staffing costs and a cold snack. Kindly note, we are unable to offer free places. Additionally, debts owing to the school need to be paid before parents can secure a place for their child/ren, thank you.
It is really important that parents collect children on time at 4:30pm from the playground (always contact the office if there is an emergency). The school gates will be closed at 4:40pm. If parents are continually late (up to 3 times) the child’s place in the club will be withdrawn.