Joining the School
Children are accepted onto the West Ham Church School Nursery admissions list from their 2nd birthday and can start Nursery, Little Owls, when they are toilet trained/3 years old.
We offer morning and afternoon sessions in our Little Owls Nursery:
Morning: from 8:30am – 11:30am (autumn, spring and summer terms)
Afternoon: from 12:30pm – 3:30pm (spring and summer terms)
You can click on the link to apply for our Nursery or call into the school for a paper application.
30 Hour places are also available subject to confirmation of your entitlement code.
Most children transition into our reception, although when demand is high we cannot guarantee a place. Those parents who wish their children to transfer to the school should send their application forms to the London Borough of Newham by the appropriate deadline. Please speak to our office staff if you need advice.
Joining the school later
Some children join the school later on or mid-term. If this is the case, parents are invited to meet the Family Support Worker/Learning Mentor and in some cases, the Headteacher. New pupils are assigned a Buddy in their new class and can attend Nurture club at lunchtimes with the Learning Mentor to help them settle.
Moving on – Secondary School Transfer
The transition from primary to secondary schooling can be a difficult and stressful time for parents and children. In order to minimise this, we run meetings for parents to help to explain the application process and to offer help and advice about gaining entry to the school of their choice. Visits are also made to West Ham Church School by staff from the local secondary schools who talk to the Year 6 children and answer their questions and concerns about secondary school life. Transition day visits to the children’s new schools usually occur during the summer term.
If a child is not allocated a school place and parents wish to appeal this decision, please contact the London Borough of Newham for more information.
Reception admission
Primary to secondary transition
Determined Admission Arrangements for September 2023
- London Borough of Newham arrangements – for entry September 2022
- Determined Arrangements for the school year starting in September 2022/2023
Determined Admission Arrangements for September 2023
Useful links for all schools admissions
- Gov.UK
- LB Newham School Fact Finder
- Ace Education – Independent Advice for Parents and Carer