What is sustainability?
At West Ham Church School we believe that it is important to promote a sustainable lifestyle that will allow future generations to enjoy the same levels of resources that we are able to enjoy.
Everyone can make a difference even from doing small things such as recycling to prevent all waste going to landfill sites or turning off taps to save water.
Who are the Eco Team?
This is a group of 20 West Ham Church School children who meet to discuss actions to improve the sustainability of their school. They assess the site to find out how Eco friendly it is and what we can do to improve. They also plant and grow fruits and vegetables. Their aim is also to work towards the Green Flag Eco Schools Award.
School Travel Plan
The staff, with the help of our seven Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs), work to improve our road safety awareness and encourage us to decrease car use by walking, riding bikes, taking public transport or sharing cars; all of which will help reduce road congestion and pollution. The JTAs run competitions to raise awareness and lead regular surveys. We have achieved the Sustainable level accreditation for our School Travel Plan and our JTA’s have won Newham JTA School of the Year in the past.
Fairtrade Events
The children learnt about the value of sustainable shopping at our Fairtrade Fair and learnt how it benefits the farmers and the global community. Staff got their aprons on to bake fair trade cakes, cupcakes and biscuits for our Fairtrade Tuck Shop in March.
Year 3 and 4 Recycling Project
The Lower Key Stage 2 children have been learning about recycling and the importance of preserving our resources for future generations. They found out about saving water, made objects such as flowers and buses out of recycled materials. The children also grew watercress in recycled margarine tubs and water bottles.
What else can you do to save resources?
World Water Day
On World Water Day children in Years 3 and 4 searched for messages in a bottle and learnt some fascinating water facts along the way:
- 884 million people in the world do not have clean water (about one eighth of the world’s population).
- We can help by turning off the tap while brushing our teeth.
- A shower uses 30 litres of water a day.
- Every time you have a bath you use 90 litres of water.
- The average person in the UK uses 100 litres of water a day.
Vegetable Garden
The Eco Team have been selling their produce to parents after a bumper crop of pumpkins, runner beans, corn and onions to name just a few. The proceeds from the sales will be used to purchase the seeds and implements needed for even more growing.
Useful websites: